Daniel and our Cats.

On a cold Austrian spring evening, I watched this wonderful documentary. It tells the life of Catherine, a French woman, who travels to Namibia, where she meets the love of her life and moves with him into the desert, to live with lions and leopards.

This moving story takes an infinitely tragic course.

While I was still watching the documentary, I decided to go to Namibia for a few months. I quickly found a job as a horse trainer on a small farm in Kamanjab, the wild north of Namibia, and shortly thereafter made the long journey to Southern Africa.

After a six-hour drive from Windhoek, over deserted sand and gravel roads, I arrived at the farm.

Here, Romeo, a semi-wild stallion, was waiting for his training to begin. Romeo was to become a reliable riding horse to work on the family’s cattle, and my job was to get him started.

He lived freely all year round on two hectares of bushland with his little herd of mares. Completely untouched by human hands and civilization, he was highly sensitive to every little movement I made.

Quickly, a deep friendship developed between us, that would change my work with horses forever.

Here is my pictorial story.